Think you are ready for your checkride?

Not only am I a former FAA Designated Examiner, I am also an experienced flight instructor. I can fly with you prior to your examination to show you what you will need to work on, as well as help reduce exam anxiety that may be overwhelming on your big day. Don’t suffer exam anxiety and end up falling short of the Airman Certification Standards (ACS). Schedule your “Pre-Ride” with me today.

So, what is on the exam that I need to know?

This is the most common question that I hear from Applicants as well as Flight Instructors. Everyone wants to know what I will ask and what maneuvers they will have to fly. The answer is always the same: consult your Airman Certification Standards (ACS)! In addition to covering everything that will be on the examination, it also serves as a guide for the applicant, the CFI, and the examiner as well.

What Are Some Common Weak Areas?

Each exam has common areas that most applicants fall short on. Knowing these prior to the exam will help you really shine and make the impression to the examiner that you are able to recognize and adapt to those items in flight which may require you to make those Aeronautical Decision Making skills that you will be tested on. View a link of Common Weak Areas.

Can I receive Wings Credit towards my checkride?

Yes! All FAA practical examinations count towards WINGS credit. Once you have completed your Examination, be sure to give your examiner the email that you used when you registered on the FAAsafety.gov website.

Request WINGS Credit Now!

Private Pilot A071102-02

Instrument A070502-03

Commercial A071102-01

ATP A071102-05

CFI Initial A071024-01

ADD-On’s A100415-1